My Mother-In-Law Doesn’t Want to Eat Thanksgiving Dinner I Cook, Plans to Bring Her Own Meals

She meticulously acquired all the necessary ingredients and planned a wide variety of dishes for the occasion.

However, her mood was ruined when her husband unexpectedly disclosed that his mother intended to bring her own dinner. Here’s how the woman responded.

On November 23, 2022, an anonymous female contributor turned to Reddit’s “AITA” forum to share her story. The woman, aged 32, planned to host Thanksgiving at her house that year. She spent the entire month crafting the menu and testing her recipes. Excitement filled her as she looked forward to sharing her cooking with family.

Throughout the planning and preparation, her 35-year-old husband offered support and assistance. All the ingredients were purchased, and she planned a delightful variety of dishes, including both traditional favorites and a few unique additions.

Her Husband’s Bombshell Revelation
On the day the woman posted her Reddit account, her husband dropped a bombshell, revealing that his mother wanted to bring her own dinner when she visited. Perplexed, the woman questioned the necessity, as she had prepared more than enough food at home.

In response, her husband labeled her as insensitive and petty, accusing her of ruining the holiday.

Her husband justified it by labeling his mother a “grade A picky eater” who wouldn’t “like” anything the woman had prepared. Finding this reasoning ridiculous, she argued that her menu was familiar, offering plenty of choices. Despite her objections, he saw his mother bringing her own dinner as a “good compromise.”

The woman disagreed, believing it would be an evident commentary on her cooking, causing humiliation as her mother-in-law ate something entirely different in front of everyone, seemingly making a point that her culinary efforts were not up to par.

The woman perceived her mother-in-law’s request as incredibly rude and disrespectful, considering the time, money, and effort she had invested in preparing the upcoming meal. Frustrated, she communicated to her husband that if his mom couldn’t eat anything at their place, she was welcome to stay home and have whatever she preferred.

In response, her husband labeled her as insensitive and petty, accusing her of ruining the holiday. The woman, however, viewed it differently. She simply desired the company of appreciative and kind friends and family, not the negativity of someone rejecting her efforts and insulting her cooking after putting in so much hard work.

The woman regarded the Thanksgiving preparations as an actual labor of love, a responsibility she willingly undertook to share that love with her family and friends. She questioned whether she was in the wrong for not wanting her MIL to join if she intended to reject everything she had prepared.

The Thanksgiving Menu
In response to inquiries, the woman shared the Thanksgiving menu she had planned to serve. It included a variety of traditional dishes such as roasted turkey, stuffing, and creamy mashed potatoes. Alongside these staples, she intended to offer potatoes au gratin, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, and cranberry sauce for a traditional touch.

For a delightful twist, she had prepared roasted carrots, homemade bread rolls with apple butter, and roasted squash with goat cheese. A honey-glazed ham and braised short ribs were included as savory alternatives, while unique options like spinach, bacon, and feta cheese pies, a special lasagna with white sauce, and stuffed mushrooms added flavor to the feast.

To satisfy sweet cravings, the dessert selection was planned to feature pecan pie, pumpkin pie, and apple pie. The woman expressed her disbelief, wondering how there was not one thing that her mother-in-law could eat from such an extensive menu.

The Woman’s Final Decision
In an update to her original post, the woman expressed gratitude for the numerous replies and thanked everyone for sharing their thoughts. After careful consideration and reflection on the responses, she acknowledged feeling hurt but decided to take the “kill her with kindness” approach.

Despite being overwhelmed and exhausted, her priority was to ensure a perfect Thanksgiving for everyone. She planned to communicate to her mother-in-law that she was welcome, intending to focus on her other guests and ignore any negativity.

The woman resolved not to let her MIL ruin her day, choosing to be the bigger person for the sake of her family. She admitted that while irritation might persist internally, she remained hopeful that her mother-in-law might try something new and enjoy it. Nevertheless, she affirmed that even if her MIL didn’t like anything, it would be okay.

What Do Redditors Think?

Do you think the woman handled the situation correctly? Should she have uninvited her MIL or let her join the Thanksgiving dinner, even though she ruined her mood?

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